


29 November 1978, Alba  Iulia, Romania


http://artichokecluj.ro/      https://alexandruradulescu.wordpress.com/

+40   741 933 816

2006- 2011     University of Arts and Design, Cluj Napoca, PhD

2003-2005      University of Arts and Design, Cluj Napoca, Graphics, Master degree

1998- 2003     University of Arts and Design, Cluj Napoca, Graphic Design  Section,

University degree

1993-1997      Queen Maria Fine Arts High school, Alba Iulia, Sculpture Section.

01/2005 – present University of Art and Design (UAD) Cluj-Napoca, department of

Photo-Video-Digital Image Processing, lecturer.

„Nominé PRIX DU JURY” la „Foire Internationale du Dessin”, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, 2011;

CloseUP, fosta Casa de Modă, monotype, instalation, Cluj18 mai 2019

Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, 2 lucrari, monotype, 42×30 cm, 17 decembrie 2018

Elektro Arts Festival, May,  3 lucrari, silver print, Cluj-Napoca, 2017

“25+1”, Five Plus Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria, 2-14 november 2016

Personal exhibition “Via dei Fori Imperiali” Amfiteatrul UAD Cluj, 18 mai 2016

“URBAN RUINS”, Decumanus Gallery, Krk, Croatia, May 6th to May 19th, 2016

Cluj Never Sleeps, instalation , „Transselffusion”, Strada Napoca, Cluj 2015

„Soul of Elements / Elements of Souls”  Galeria LATARKA  / PLATAN  / Institutul polonez din Budapesta, Ungaria, 5-21 november 2014

Personal exhibition: „Strip generation”, 26 mai 2014, Casa Teleki, Baia Mare, 9 drawings

„Negotiated realities: The New RoAmerica” – International exhibition of photography, Galeria Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca, 13-26 iunie 2013

„Re+” – expozitie colectiva, Galeria Humanitas, Cluj-Napoca, martie 2012

Personal exhibition, “The relationship between photography and reality”, Casa Matei, Cluj Napoca, drawing on canvas, panel and paper, 30 works, 43×30 cm, 6 works 100×70 cm,2011;

Presented In the „Vice Chancellor’s Lecture Series”, University of Salford, by the Romanian artist professor Radu Cãlin Solovastru, of the Universitatea de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca, gives the tenth lecture entitled “The Drawing School for Graphic Arts in Cluj-Napoca.” 2011;

29 April 2010: Conference with the presentation of the personal project „Li/eaving space”, Aula Magna, Accademia di belle arti di Venezia, Venice;

International Forum of Scientifical Communication, „Small and Fragile Patrimony”, organised by U.A.P, Etnographical Museum and North University Baia Mare;

International exhibition of photography „ Autoviziune”, Art Museum, Cluj Napoca, 1 photography, 100x100cm;

“La strada” International Festival of Contemporary Art, Sibiu, Instalation “Directions” 3 parts made of printed trafficators, dimensions variable 180-300×42 cm;

International exhibition of photography, “Movie in photography”, Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca, 1 photography, print 100x60cm;

Personal exhibition,  “Between Sickle and Hammer”, Casa Matei, Cluj Napoca, drawing on canvas and panel, 24 works, 42×29 cm;

Forum de Rencontres Europeennes de Die, Festival Est-Ouest, France, projection of 10 drawings, 42x29cm ;

International Graphic Exhibition, Ljublijana, Slovenia, 1 drawing on canvas, 200x100cm;

International Mini-Print Biennal, Art Museum Cluj, 2 works, aquaforte, aquatint.

International Graphic Exhibition, Gliwice, Poland, 1 work, mixed media 27x18cm